Do I have a cold, or is it an allergy?
A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal passages. Find out more about rhinitis. Viral rhinitis and allergic rhinitis, what's the difference?
Dust mites are found in homes around the world and can multiply from 1 to 1,000,000 in a matter of weeks. Does this mean that there is nothing you can do to keep these unwanted guests from your mattresses, bedding, carpets, furniture and more? Absolutely not! Follow these tips for a home with fewer dust mites – and allergy symptoms.
Humidity, temperature and light exposure are key.
Low temperatures, humidity and light levels are the enemies of dust mites. Keep your environment as cool, dry and bright as possible to avoid infestations.
In addition to temperature, humidity and light, there are other things you can do to make your house unappealing to these little allergen-making arachnids.
And finally, the most effective way to lower the dust mite count in your home is to treat dust mite hot spots: mattresses, settees, sofas, armchairs, soft toys, pillows, carpets and rugs with ExAller.
Want to know more about causes and treatments of dust mite allergy? Read our detailed guide, and learn about our clinically proven anti-dust mite spray.
Benjamin Tillier has more than 18 years of international experience in various sectors. He has been active in the healthcare industry since 2011. In regular contact with dust mites allergic people as well as professors and allergy specialists, he acquired an in-depth knowledge in this field.